Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Happy New Year!

Thank you for visiting Warning Signs.
Tell your family, friends, and co-workers about it.
Here's a wish for your health and happiness in 2014!
Alan Caruba

Happy New Year 2014 from Poetrysync Blog

Happy New Year to all my visitors

Happy New Year 2014 Hong Kong Fireworks

New Year Fireworks in Macau- 15 min ago

Midnight Macau time - 4pm GMT

Democratic Party Panic

By Alan Caruba

On December 28th, the Democratic National Committee sent an email to “Obama for America” supporters. The subject line was “Impeachment.” 

“What do these people have in common?” asked the text as it quoted Republican James Inhofe of Oklahoma, Rep. Michele Bachman of Minnesota, Rep. Kerry Bentivivolio of Michigan, and Rep. Blake Farenhold of Texas, all of whom discussed the possibility of impeaching Obama, citing instances of official misconduct. The DNC said, “Republicans are actually excited about the idea.”

Ten days earlier, Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, the chair of the DNC, had sent an email to supporters updating them on the party’s strategy to win elections in 2014. “What you need is good strategy, smart people, and ideas you’re proud to stand behind…” The one thing missing from the email was the mention of a single idea. No mention of Obamacare, amnesty, or any other Democratic policies.
When I visited Democrats.org on December 29, the website was telling members that “The economy could face a credit downgrade if Republicans continue to threaten to default on our loans.”  No mention of the first such downgrade in the history of the nation which occurred during Obama’s first term and was a response to the nearly six trillion dollars he had added to the nation’s debt.

Under the headline “Dirtier”, the DNC claimed that “All the gains we’ve made for our environment, like two million acres of preserved land and rivers will be on the line.”  That’s right, Republicans want dirtier air and water, and the way to protect the nation is to ensure that millions of acres cannot be used by Americans, especially if there is lots of coal or oil is under those acres. According to Wikipedia, “As of March 2012, out of the 2.27 billion acres in the country, about 28% of the total was owned by American citizens represented by the National Federal government according to the Interior Department.That’s right, more than a quarter of all the landmass of the nation is owned by the federal government.

The headline “Less Fair” was followed by “Our voter protection efforts and workplace equality work will be undone” but it is Democrats who oppose any state effort to pass laws that require proof of citizenship or even residency. And, under “Less Healthy” it accused all who want to “’Repeal Obamacare’. Need we say more?” Apparently a law that deprives you of your personal physician and imposes higher costs on government-approved healthcare insurance plans is a good thing.

Not only are we witnessing a full scale panic in the Democratic National Committee, we can read just how devoid of any truth and any sense any of their policies are. If a few Republicans in Congress had a passing comment on impeaching President Obama, it comes as no surprise whatever.

In late December, Forbes magazine published an article by Ira Shapiro, a senior fellow in constitutional studies at the Cato Institute and editor-in-chief of the Cato Supreme Court Review. The title was “President Obama’s Top 10 Constitutional Violations of 2013.” Shapiro didn’t even have to go back any further to include others during his first term.

Among those cited was Obama’s delay of out-of-pocket caps, a change that requires actual legislation. Similarly, the delay of Obamacare’s employer mandate was cited because, if Obamacare is the “law of the land”, such changes require action by Congress. Several other changes to Obamacare by the President were cited for the same reason.

Political profiling by the IRS was cited such as an internal BOLO, “Be on the lookout”. for organizations engaged in political activities, citing “Tea Party”, “Patriots” and “Israel” as words to identify them. The targeting continued through May 2013 until it was exposed. 

You can read Shapiro’s article here.

What Republicans and independents know and Democrats do not want to acknowledge is that Obamacare is, to use its most frequent description, “a disaster.” Many suspect that Obama was and is ineligible to be President. The birth certificate put forward by the White House has been declared a forgery. His Social Security number is suspect. It is common knowledge that his college records are all sealed even though he may have applied for admission as a “foreign student.”

So, yes, the Democratic National Committee has a lot to hide about the President and its support for legislation and regulations based on “climate change” and other liberal notions that lack the knowledge of science and warp its practice. It continues to advocate spending billions, if not trillions, the U.S. does not have. And, finally, the President’s foreign policies—not mentioned in its emails or on its website—have been a dismal failure, making the world more dangerous.

The Democratic Party has one thing going for it---the mainstream media. In the Sunday before the New Year, the New York Times published a 7,000-word article claiming that the attack on the Benghazi consulate where our ambassador and three others were killed was not related to al Qaeda. In the words of former Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, “What difference does it make?” Answer: A lot. This “newspaper” is the U.S. equivalent of Pravda during the days of Stalin.

In November, Americans have the opportunity to remove Democratic Senators and Representatives who voted for Obamacare and replace them with candidates who believe the Constitution means what it says.

© Alan Caruba, 2013

Happy New Year 2014 + my 3rd blogiversary!

From my family to yours, may you have a blessed and Happy New Year! I'm in to my fourth year of blogging now. Who would've thought it would've gone this far? I'm so lucky to know you all and have you come visit this space. Here's to a prosperous and happy 2014 for everyone!

Much love,

Happy New Year + Thank You

It is hard to believe 2013 is coming to end. This year has been an eventful one for my family. My sister, sister-in-law, and me all welcomed babies this year.   I am so happy Sterling finally has some cousins and all these babies will grow up together close in age.  We lost my dear sweet grandfather, and Matt started his own law firm.  Lots of major moments this year.  

 I can't even put into words how thankful I am for Frances Moon.   She is our biggest blessing this year.  I am so sad my grandfather never got to meet her, but I know he and my grandmother (her namesake) are smiling down on us.  Once you have experienced a miscarriage and then when it is difficult to conceive again, you realize what a true blessing and miracle a baby is.  I cried and prayed so many days for this baby and now to have her in my arms I feel complete.  God has been good to us this year.

I want to thank each and everyone of you for reading my blog and commenting.  I also want to thank each person who stops me when I am out to tell me they read my blog and how much you enjoy it.  You truly make my day, so don't ever hesitate to stop and talk to me!!  This blog is really my happy place.  It is my creative outlet, a place for me to vent, share my passions like fashion and food, and document our family life.  This blog has opened so many doors for me and connected me with so many people and I hope it continues to do so.  I have made so many virtual and real life friends thru this blog and I hope to continue to nurture these relationships and make more.   I want 2014 to be an even better year for my blog so please leave me a comment and tell me what you want to see more or less of in 2014.  I am open for suggestions!

As much as I love the Holidays, I also love the New Year.  It is a time to reflect,  refocus,  and start fresh.  I am not big on resolutions, more life changes.  Resolutions are easy to break but life changes are not.  I found these two lists and loved them.  Hope to think about these ideas often.

Mostly in 2014, I want to focus on these two,  my two biggest accomplishments and loves.  I want to put down my phone and computer and really savor and enjoy my time with them, because time goes by in the blink of eye when you have a child.  I want to be fully present and be the best mom I can be.

I also want to refocus on my relationship with Matt.  With two kids our relationship has definitely been put on the back burner.  We have committed to doing a date night 1-2 times a month just us alone, no friends.  We need that time alone to reconnect and nurture our relationship.  Family is my main priority in 2014 because isnt it the most important thing?
I wish each and everyone of you a Happy New Year filled to the brim with happiness, blessings, and dreams fulfilled.  Thank you for all your love and support! 
A motto I hope we all live by this year:
See you in 2014!


Monday, December 30, 2013

New Year's Eve Fortune Tellers

New Year's Eve is all about finding new paths and resolutions.  Start the year off with good fortune with these confetti filled ones from makezine.

Good for ages 7 and up.

Get the instructions here:

Spoonful hides gold painted walnuts on their Xmas trees with pasted fortunes inside.  At midnight on New Year's Eve everyone finds a walnut and reveals their fortune.

Get the instructions here:

Let's play kids music has a walnut musical fortune game.

Get the instructions here:

2013 - looking back

Not so much the highs and lows of 2013 but a guess at what the year might have meant. Anniversary years bring composers mass publicity but that's not necessarily a good thing. Mahler's anniversary turned him into Mahlerkugeln. Wagner, Verdi and Britten fared rather better, though. 

This year's BBC Proms will be remembered for Daniel Barenboim's concert performances of the Ring. This summer I did a Wagner Marathon - London, Salzburg, Bayreuth. Read more here for links to individual reviews, including Herheim's wonderful Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg. True, there's been plenty of commercialized Wagner but he's a composer who resists too much dumbing down. Contrary to those who thought Verdi was ignored,the BBC has been doing Verdi all year. There's a lot of Verdi around (and some of it sounds the same - ha!). In any case The Royal Opera House and Salzburg did exceptional Les vêpres siciliennes and Don Carlo. And it was good to hear non-opera Verdi at the Proms and elsewhere. 

And then there's Britten. Russian and American audiences may think they've discovered him but there's a long, long way to go. Even in Britain, where Britten is performed and studied more than anywhere else, the composer is still an unorthodox, contradictory figure who defies simplistic stereotype. This year we've heard every single thing Britten wrote, including the juvenilia and discarded works. It's been an extraordinarily rewarding year. There is more on Britten on this site than anywhere else that's not Britten-only, so please explore. I reviewed four of the six or more War Requiems this year, and the wonderful Aldeburgh centenary performance, which was oddly ignored in the media. Knussen knows Britten musically better than most.

Opera-wise things have been stimulating, revealing a lot more about audiences than the productions themselves. Audiences scream because they want "historic" but when they get genuinely historically informed productions like Les vêpres sicilennes, Robert Le Diable and  La donna del lago, they can't recognize it. Some were outraged because the ROH  Nabucco favoured the ascetic, invisble God of Israel instead of graven images. Evidently, history got it wrong.

Excellent baroque this year, too, also demolishing myths against period-informed performance.  The baroque era was flamboyant, adventuresome and daring - should its music be the opposite Thankfully in Britain we're close enough to France and Germany where baroque practice is robust.  "If it's good enough for Bill Christie", said a friend of Glyndebourne's audacious Rameau Hippolyte et Aricie "It's good enough for me". 

Many good concerts this year but one I'll remember was Wolfgang Holzmair with Imogen Cooper, at the Oxford Lieder festival, doing Schubert's Mayrhofer songs (repeated at the Wigmore Hall). I was mesmerized by every note and every word, far too overwhelmed to write it up. Do not miss Oxford Lieder's Schubert Festival in 2014. Two extremely good recordings this year : Matthias Goerne's Eisler Lieder with Thomas Larcher, almost better than his game changing version with Eric Schneider, and Goerne's Erlkönig with Andreas Haefliger, seventh volume inn the DG Schubert series.  Read about their Wolf and Liszt concert at the Wigmore Hall to see why they are so exceptional.  I only review about half or a third of what I listen to, leaving out the very best, the very worst and stuff about which there's nothing specially worth saying. The joys of being independent !

Another Grim Year with Obama

By Alan Caruba
The fifth year in the political marriage between Barack Obama and the rest of America has the look of a divorce in which a lot of Americans are wondering how we can rid ourselves of the worst President in the history of the nation. That’s not just my opinion.
As 2013 comes to a close it is abundantly clear that even the starry-eyed journalists and political pundits who thought Obama was as close to the Second Coming as American politics had ever known were having, not just doubts, but serious regrets. The White House press corps is now in a state of rebellion.
As the year began, Victor David Hanson, a senior fellow at the Hoover Institution and respected conservative commentator, took a look back at George W. Bush, the predecessor that Obama blamed for everything so often it became a joke.
“George W. Bush left office in January 2009 with one of the lowest job-approval ratings for a president (34%) since Gallup started compiling them—as compared to Harry Truman’s low of 32%, Richard Nixon’s of 24%, and Jimmy Carter’s of 34%--and to the general derision of the media,” wrote Hanson. Obama is likely to achieve a rating less than these predecessors.
Bush has distinguished himself by never publicly commenting on Obama while he has held office. When his presidential library was opened in April, Bush’s approval rating was 47%, but it is worth noting that Bush was in office when 9/11 occurred, followed by combat action in Afghanistan and in Iraq. Just before Bush left office, a financial crisis struck the nation.
The signs of dissatisfaction with Obama and his policies were evident as 2013 began. A January Gallup poll found that American opinion of the country’s state of affairs was at its lowest point since 1979. Fewer than four-in-ten Americans (39%) rated the U.S. in a positive manner. By February, the national debt during Obama’s presidency had increased $5.9 trillion, more than it had increased under all presidents from George Washington to Bill Clinton combined.
By April the New York Times columnist, Maureen Dowd, was continuing to put distance between Obama and herself. “Unfortunately, he still has not learned how to govern” wrote Dowd, adding “No one on Capitol Hill is scared of him.” Obama had devoted so much time to fund-raising and non-stop campaigning, that governing was obviously not a priority, but that is exactly why Presidents are elected.
By May, Politico.com reporters, Mike Allen and Jim Vandehei noted that Republicans in the House had one-third of its committees investigating scandals and wrong-doing by the Obama administration. “Establishment Democrats, never big fans of this President to begin with, are starting to speak out. And reporters are tripping over themselves to condemn lies, bullying and shadiness in the Obama administration.”
By July, a Washington Times editorial, “Obama’s Feats of Weakness” observed that “Since Mr. Obama took office, the opinion of the United States generally has declined in every country surveyed by the Pew Global Attitudes Project…Despite the vaunted White House effort to reach out to Muslim-majority countries, U.S. favorability ratings in Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, and Pakistan are below where they were in 2008 when George W. Bush was at the helm.”
As 2013 comes to a close, longtime former allies such as Saudi Arabia are openly berating Obama for the secret deal negotiated with Iran. Egypt, a former ally, feels betrayed by Obama for his support of the Muslim Brotherhood and, Israel was being visited by Secretary John Kerry to express his opposition to new housing in Jerusalem, but he has put Israel at great risk of annihilation by Iranian nuclear weapon. The Washington Times opined that “There’s a reason Mr. Obama has not been a strong leader internationally. He never set out to be one because he has never believed in the exceptional mission of the United States.”
During the October government shutdown, Fred Barnes, executive editor of the Weekly Standards, noted that Obama “won’t negotiate with Republicans, though the fate of Obamacare, funding of the government, and the future of the economic recovery are at stake.” A veteran observer of the White House, Barnes said, “His approach—dealing with a deadlock by not dealing with it—is unprecedented. He has gone where no president has gone before.”
Earlier, in June, Barnes said “the Obama administration is in an unexpected and sharp state of decline. Mr. Obama has little influence on Congress. His presidency has no theme. He pivots nervously from issue to issue.”
When the Obamacare website debuted on October 1st, it was such a disaster that it was a perfect reflection of a horrendous piece of legislation that is causing widespread dismay and disruption affecting millions of Americans.
When you add in the residue from first term scandals such as Fast and Furious, Benghazi, and the use of the IRS to harass conservative groups seeking non-profit tax status, it was obvious to all but mindless Obama devotees that we face three years of further decline at home and internationally.
There is still massive unemployment. There are still massive numbers on government welfare programs and the nation’s health care system and insurance industry is being massively disrupted. The economy is improving incrementally, almost despite the administration’s policies.
To say that 2013 has been a bad year for Obama is also to say it has been a bad year for over three hundred million Americans. As Obamacare kicks in, 2014 will be a year its hidden taxes take effect. In November, voters will have the midterm elections to begin ending the a record of failed domestic and foreign affairs.
© Alan Caruba, 2013

New Year's Eve Paper Dolls

Tip junkies shares paper doll decorations for New Years Eve including banners, noise makers and confetti.  The set also comes with some winter outfits such as boots and a warm hat as well as a snowman to cut and paste together.

Good for ages 6 and up.

Get the template here:

2013 in review

The first half of 2013 wasn't kind to me but something I had to go through to get me where I am today. It was really tough at times but I got there. The second half of the year was when things turned around. The property settlement went through with my ex and the house was in my name. All of these things are very stressful but its all done and dusted now. 2013 certainly had its highlights as far as the blog goes. Here are a few that stood out for me.

I introduced a new feature to the blog where I went through my pantry and found products lurking in the back and came up with ideas to use them up. Things like bamboo shoots, anchovies, sweet potato or Weetbix. You can find all of them here.

I got the sewing machine out and started joining in with online sewing swaps like the Sweet Pouch Swap held over at Sew Delicious. I think there's another one starting soon at the beginning of 2014 and I can't wait to get involved. Its a great way of making a surprise for someone as well as receiving a surprise in the post.

I started doing more things for me and went to an Indian vegan cooking class where I learnt how to cook a Southern Indian Vegan Lentil Rice dish.

In May, I was lucky to be a contestant in the Gourmet Garden Blogger's Cook Off held in Noosa where wonderfully talented cooks from Australia, Spain and the UK gathered to enjoy a couple days of food and cooking. Day 1 saw us experiencing 4 ingredient delights at Freestyle Cooking School in the Sunshine Coast hinterland.

Day 2 saw us just south of the Sunshine Coast at the SjW Mushroom farm enjoying a beautifully prepared lunch by Sammy and Bella, previous winners of "My Kitchen Rules". It was such an enjoyable day even though it was very cold and wet. We finished the day with a tour of the Gourmet Garden factory.

Even though I didn't win the cook off, I made some wonderful friends and got to try this Steamed Pear, Thyme & Ginger Pudding with Ginger Custard and Walnut Praline many times, taste testing in the lead up to the competition.

In September, I was lucky to be invited to a mushroom inspired lunch cooked by Australian celebrity chefs  Ed ("Fast Ed") HalmagyiAlistair McLeod and Katrina Ryan

I went on my first ever girl's weekend away since the children have been born to Cabarita Beach in New South Wales. I joined an online group of ladies who love to travel aged between 35 and 65. We had never met before and had the most wonderful time. I'm looking forward to more outings with them in 2014.

And we finished our school year off with a week away at Coolum Beach at the start of December.

A wonderful year full of memories. I started opening the blog up to a few sponsorship opportunities and giveaways. Being on a single parent pension doesn't bring in much income so I take any opportunity I can to put food on the table or generate income towards paying bills. I'm currently studying and hope to finish that by the end of 2014 and aim for a job in the health and fitness industry.

As at the time of publishing this post, there have been nearly 2,000,000 million visitors to the blog. The most popular post to date is the 23 things to make with t-shirts at over 430,000 people viewing it. The "Recipes" tab is the most visited page on the blog. I've made some fantastic friendships over the last 3 years while blogging and I really, truly appreciate all of you who visit. You've really helped me through some tough times and as I reflect, when I thought about not blogging here anymore, you all kept me going and gave me something to focus on during difficult times. I look forward to another year of good food, frugal friendly recipes and fun and friendship.

Sunday, December 29, 2013

New Year's Eve Countdown

Vinegar and baking soda make for a fun and fizzy countdown from inspired by family mag.

Good for ages 3 and up.

Get the instructions here:

Button Snowmen

Urban paisley posted to pinterest a button snowman project using felt to make the strategically placed hat and scarf. 

Good for ages 7 and up.

View the image here:

Dee dee campbell has a button snowman ornament too. Hers uses red and white twine for the scarf and cardboard for the backing.

Get the instructions here:

Hrithik Roshan Calendar 2014: Hrithik Roshan New Year 2014 Calendar

Hrithik Roshan is a son of a bollywood actor and director Rakesh Roshan. He is one of the most beautiful and popular bollywood actor. Hrithik Roshan started his career in bollywood as a child actor but from 2000 he added a full touch to it. After his debut movie Kaho Naa.. Pyaar Hai he gave few super hit movies to bollywood like K3G, Koi Mil Gaya, Krrish, Dhoom 2, Krrish 3, Jodhaa Akbar, Guzaarish, Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara and more. He is one of the most searched bollywood actor.

Check out Hrithik Roshan Calendar 2014 with month wise. Decorate your desktop with Hrithik Roshan Calendar in new year 2014.

Hrithik Roshan Calendar January 2014
Hrithik Roshan Calendar 2014
Hrithik Roshan Calendar February 2014
Hrithik Roshan Calendar 2014
Hrithik Roshan Calendar March 2014
Hrithik Roshan Calendar 2014
Hrithik Roshan Calendar April 2014
Hrithik Roshan Calendar 2014
Hrithik Roshan Calendar May 2014
Hrithik Roshan Calendar 2014
Hrithik Roshan Calendar June 2014
Hrithik Roshan Calendar 2014
Hrithik Roshan Calendar July 2014
Hrithik Roshan Calendar 2014
Hrithik Roshan Calendar August 2014
Hrithik Roshan Calendar 2014
Hrithik Roshan Calendar September 2014
Hrithik Roshan Calendar 2014
Hrithik Roshan Calendar October 2014
Hrithik Roshan Calendar 2014
Hrithik Roshan Calendar November 2014
Hrithik Roshan Calendar 2014
Hrithik Roshan Calendar December 2014
Hrithik Roshan Calendar 2014

Kareena Kapoor Calendar 2014: Kareena Kapoor New Year 2014 Calendar

Do you like Bebo. We mean Kareena Kapoor. Yes we are talking about Kareena Kapoor. She is one of the hottest actress of Bollywood. Kareena Kapoor is a daughter of Randhir Kapoor and Babita. She married to Saif Ali Khan. She won six Filmfare Awards. Kareena Kapoor worked in few of the hit bollywood movies like Kabhi Khushi Kabhi Gham, Aitraaz, Don, Omkara, Jab We Met, Golmaal Returns, Golmaal 3, 3 Idiots, Bodyguard, Ra.One, Heroine and more. Kareena Kapoor is a charming, beautiful, hot bollywood actress.

Check out Kareena Kapoor Calendar 2014 with month wise. Decorate your desktop with Kareena Kapoor Calendar in new year 2014.

Kareena Kapoor Calendar January 2014
Kareena Kapoor Calendar 2014
Kareena Kapoor Calendar February 2014
Kareena Kapoor Calendar 2014
Kareena Kapoor Calendar March 2014
Kareena Kapoor Calendar 2014
Kareena Kapoor Calendar April 2014
Kareena Kapoor Calendar 2014
Kareena Kapoor Calendar May 2014
Kareena Kapoor Calendar 2014
Kareena Kapoor Calendar June 2014
Kareena Kapoor Calendar 2014
Kareena Kapoor Calendar July 2014
Kareena Kapoor Calendar 2014
Kareena Kapoor Calendar August 2014
Kareena Kapoor Calendar 2014
Kareena Kapoor Calendar September 2014
Kareena Kapoor Calendar 2014
Kareena Kapoor Calendar October 2014
Kareena Kapoor Calendar 2014
Kareena Kapoor Calendar November 2014
Kareena Kapoor Calendar 2014
Kareena Kapoor Calendar December 2014
Kareena Kapoor Calendar 2014

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